Event: What does the new way of working look like?

March 2022
Event 'Hoe ziet de nieuwe manier van werken eruit?'
What does the new way of working look like? The new forms of hybrid work make it possible to work where you can get the best out of yourself. Does this make the office disappear? Or can you actually work anywhere? New challenges also bring new opportunities and risks. Let's talk about future-proofing the work environment for your employees at home or at the office.

Through a physical event with Best Practise Talks through our new showroom, from 10.05 to 17.05.2022, we explore the new hybrid office with exciting examples.

We will further discuss “social distance” versus “social interaction” and look at safety in the work environment in combination with hybrid working.

Sign up and follow one of the events (free participation). We also offer a free workshop to participate with colleagues in how the hybrid office can help in your specific situation.


10.05, 11.05, 12.05, 16.05 and 17.05.2022


OCS+ | De Gruyter Fabriek

Entrance M, room 7150 Veemarktkade 8

5222 AE ‘s-Hertogenbosch


Several experts are at your disposal on all days. Specialists in acoustics, occupational health and safety regulation, Interior Advisers and Workplace Consultants are present. On that day, we will answer all your questions in the context of current “Best Practice Talks” on the subject of “The New Way of Working” and associated workshops.

We are sure: your view of the office will fundamentally change!


Did you miss the events? Watch the after movie here:


Werkomgeving Microsoft Nederland
Werkomgeving VodafoneZiggo

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