Cowerk workplace furniture are challenging office furniture products. The brand produces all products for and around furnishing the workplace. The furniture forms a family, together it is a complete collection. The best way to work is to work together: co-working. And they implement that in the furniture line. The furniture is not autonomous, but an own identity can be created, appropriate to the organization. Due to the wide range and the possibility of customization in colour, shape or material, there is always a Cowerk piece of furniture that fits into your office furnishing concept.
Cowerk workplace furniture are challenging office furniture products. The brand produces all products for and around furnishing the workplace. The furniture forms a family, together it is a complete collection. The best way to work is to work together: co-working. And they implement that in the furniture line. The furniture is not autonomous, but an own identity can be created, appropriate to the organization. Due to the wide range and the possibility of customization in colour, shape or material, there is always a Cowerk piece of furniture that fits into your office furnishing concept.
Cowerk workplace furniture are challenging office furniture products. The brand produces all products for and around furnishing the workplace. The furniture forms a family, together it is a complete collection. The best way to work is to work together: co-working. And they implement that in the furniture line. The furniture is not autonomous, but an own identity can be created, appropriate to the organization. Due to the wide range and the possibility of customization in colour, shape or material, there is always a Cowerk piece of furniture that fits into your office furnishing concept.
Sit-stand desks
Team tables
Conference tables
Acoustic screens


Furniture designed from experience


Want to know more about Cowerk?

Cowerk workplace furniture are challenging office furniture products. The brand produces all products for and around furnishing the workplace. The furniture forms a family, together it is a complete collection. The best way to work is to work together: co-working. And they implement that in the furniture line. The furniture is not autonomous, but an own identity can be created, appropriate to the organization. Due to the wide range and the possibility of customization in colour, shape or material, there is always a Cowerk piece of furniture that fits into your office furnishing concept.

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