
Frandsen verlichting
Frandsen verlichting
Frandsen verlichting
FRANDSEN has been designing, manufacturing and selling lamps since 1968. It is important to them to design lamps in beautiful materials and ensure that the products exude quality and taste.
FRANDSEN has been designing, manufacturing and selling lamps since 1968. It is important to them to design lamps in beautiful materials and ensure that the products exude quality and taste.
FRANDSEN has been designing, manufacturing and selling lamps since 1968. It is important to them to design lamps in beautiful materials and ensure that the products exude quality and taste.


We light up life’s best moments.


Want to know more about Frandsen?

Frandsen is rooted in a strong designer heritage and represents a love of organic, simple and graphic lighting solutions. They aim to inspire and inspire curiosity, showing and telling how products can be used to illuminate any space and brighten all of life’s beautiful moments.

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Leuk dat je ons e-book wilt lezen!
Leuk dat je ons e-book wilt lezen!
Leuk dat je ons e-book wilt lezen!
Leuk dat je ons e-book wilt lezen!
Leuk dat je ons e-book wilt lezen!