Fritz Hansen

Founded in 1872 in Denmark, Fritz Hansen has a long history of working with international designers to bring their visionary concepts to life - and also for the spaces they help transform. Our historical archives date back to the very first chair produced in 1872.
Founded in 1872 in Denmark, Fritz Hansen has a long history of working with international designers to bring their visionary concepts to life - and also for the spaces they help transform. Our historical archives date back to the very first chair produced in 1872.
Founded in 1872 in Denmark, Fritz Hansen has a long history of working with international designers to bring their visionary concepts to life - and also for the spaces they help transform. Our historical archives date back to the very first chair produced in 1872.

Fritz Hansen

Fritz Hansen is characterized by remarkable craftsmanship, unique design and top quality.


Want to know more about Fritz Hansen?

At the time, Fritz Hansen brand designers designed the interiors for the University Library, Copenhagen City Hall, the Supreme Court and other important projects. Tables, chairs, cabinets and sofas, all with the recognizable Fritz Hansen signature.

Contact us
Fritz Hansen

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