
Pedrali is an organization that produce design furniture for public spaces, offices and living spaces. Pedrali's collection is the result of precise and extensive research realized for the creation of industrial design products made of plastic, metal, wood and upholstery. Pedrali is considered a brand that produces world-class industrial design.
Pedrali is an organization that produce design furniture for public spaces, offices and living spaces. Pedrali's collection is the result of precise and extensive research realized for the creation of industrial design products made of plastic, metal, wood and upholstery. Pedrali is considered a brand that produces world-class industrial design.
Pedrali is an organization that produce design furniture for public spaces, offices and living spaces. Pedrali's collection is the result of precise and extensive research realized for the creation of industrial design products made of plastic, metal, wood and upholstery. Pedrali is considered a brand that produces world-class industrial design.
Barstools and pouf


Pedrali is an Italian company that produces contemporary chairs, tables, furniture and lamps for contract and residential use.The collection is the result of careful and meticulous research aimed at creating functional and versatile industrial design products made of metal, plastic, wood and upholstery.


Want to know more about Pedrali?

A 100% Italian company

Furniture manufactured exclusively in Italy through a design process that combines tradition and innovation, engineering excellence and creative genius.

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